Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fever and birthday

It has been quite a weekend here.  Saturday while Wally worked Evelyn and I went to Sheri's studio to have her first year pictures taken with a cake.  Turns out Evelyn was not in the mood to have her picture taken and cried the entire time - a first at Sheri's Studio!  We will see in a few days how they turned out.
Evelyn was certainly crabby Saturday and once we got home and I realized how warm she was I figured it out.  She had a temp of 102.  I kind of freaked out and decided we needed to go to urgent care.  The doctor at the urgent care seemed nice but not really concerned at all.  Apparently a fever of 102 that just started that day isn't a big deal.  We went home and I tried to remain calm and rational but still called the ask a nurse at about 11:30 Saturday night because I was still nervous.  The nurse ended up making me mad because she told me things I have already heard before (I frequently call the Ask a Nurse line) and managed to calm down a little.  I brought Evelyn into bed with us and kind of slept all night.  Wally, on the other hand, slept all night so when she woke up at 6:15 am I told him it was his turn and I slept until 9am.
Throughout the day Sunday she kind of got better.  Her temp was more normal after I would give her Motrin but then it would spike again.  Her breathing got kind of funny to so I started prednisone and we had already started the pulmicort and albuterol nebs 4 times a day.  She napped ok this afternoon and then totally passed out at about 8:30 tonight.  She is now sleeping but has whinned a few times.  Wally gets to stay up with her tonight. 
Evelyn's first birthday is on Tuesday!  I can't believe how big she is getting!  It is so much fun to have an active little girl.  I am sure I will post some pictures on Tuesday of Evelyn in her special birthday shirt.  Her party is this Saturday at my dads and stepmoms and then the March of Dimes walk is on Sunday.  We have so much going on this coming up weekend.  It should be fun though. 

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